Legacy Building

Mentoring young lives to see their value has been a passion of mine. My desire is to see these young people

grow and mature and invest themselves in others as God directs their path in life. For the last 4 years I have been

working with a group of young men and women through our local church and we are required to raise

finances for certain events. Last year the Lord blessed us through generous donations and we were able take a road

trip to several national parks where we shared a great time of devotion and life-changing memories. This year we are

going to Daytona Beach in July to join PASSION CAMP. These young adults have never been to Florida, so along with

a great week of praise and worship they will get to see more of God's creation which will broaden their perspective

of life. Anything that you can give will definitely go to changing lives and maturing young men and women to be

contributors to the society we live in.